Blog - Payton Winingham

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it was super busy but here are the main things! it’s also kinda all over the place haha

We did a Jericho walk every morning around our dorm rooms where we walked around the building, and did prayer and worship. We did this for 7 days, and on the 7th day we walked around seven times, like they did in Joshua to bring the Jericho walls down. We did this to bring any spiritual walls down and pray over the farm and our dorms.

We got to hear one of our guide’s testimonies, Aubrey and I call him our Abuelo and he calls us his nietas. He might be the most wholesome old man I’ve ever met, love him. I gave a message at one of our ministry places which was cool. Watched and played baseball with the team that practices on the farm, it’s a boys team of 9-12 yrs old, and I made some new friends haha.

We did a five day fast as a squad, but everyone has individual conviction, so everyone’s was pretty different. But for those five days we didn’t do ministry and we spent time with the Lord! I have been learning about how I see the Lord through his people. A lot of people talk about how they see God in the sunset, or stars, or something like that and I’ve recently realized just how much He reveals himself to me through His people. It has been so cool to see how he has gifted me with the ability to connect with people and then also speaking to me through those relationships. So yay!

There was a boxing event hosted at the farm, the ring was set up and a bunch of people attended. It was a youth event, so it was about 5-16yr old girls and boys boxing. There were 17 matches, about a 3 hour event, and they had food stands and it was a lot of fun to watch.

THANKSGIVING!! Lots about this. Our hospitality team planned a potluck style Thanksgiving meal where we invited the Nicaraguans that work at the farm. There was a LOT of prep and grocery shopping and planning beforehand, but it all turned out SO good. We started baking and cooking on the Wednesday before, and people were in and out of the kitchen all day Thursday. We also did crepes for brunch which were SO SO good. On Thursday, I played baseball with the little boys baseball team for like two hours, played catch and bat and learned all the calls are the same in Spanish haha. Honestly was equally as fun for me as our actual dinner. We had a crazy amount of food for our meal and people were able to take food home which was great. And they loved the Mac n cheese, very American of us haha.

We had a beauty for ashes event with girls in the neighborhood where we dressed up, had speakers, did worship, had activities, and served lunch. Some of us headed a table and the event turned out great. It was great to get to poor into the girls from our microchurch more from around the neighborhood.

On a hospital visit, I met a lady who was in a motorcycle accident and she showed me pictures of what her leg looked like after the accident, and you could basically see the bone. It was bad. But she was having her second surgery that week and her recovery was supposed to allow her to walk normally again. And then she shared her testimony with me which was so cool. Growing up, she truly had nothing and has been through so much, and now she runs a charity with her sister for local kids in poverty. Her faith to was truly inspiring and so glad I got to talk with her.

Went volcano boarding which was fun and now something to add to my resume I think haha. Some of us sled down, and some people boarded down which inspired me to go learn how to snowboard.

that’s the recap of week 12/13, so much happened, and this is what I could make a blog of haha, thanks for reading! 

5 responses to “Week 12 and 13- Nicaragua!”

  1. As Jesus said when you do it for the least of these, you do it for me! (Matt 25). Keep your heart soft for Gods love to move through you Payton. Gods grace be with you!!

  2. What a busy time for your team, Payton. Being true disciples, caring for others, praying with others. I can hear and feel Jesus in you, sweet pea! Very impressed with snowboarding down the side of a volcano! Hugs ‘n Love

  3. So good to hear about your adventures and walk. You are such a gift to others Payton. Love you big time! 🙂 Mrs. Amy

  4. Love the fasting story! That you can see God through others and your interactions with others is such a gift!

  5. Hi Payton, So glad to hear your amazing adventures continue! 🙂 Volcano boarding looked cool and fun! It is truly fulfilling to experience how God uses literally everyone and everything He has created to point us to Him and remind us of His goodness. I’m thankful your journey has been full of wonderment – what a beautiful gift. 🙂 Love & hugs. Mrs. S