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I’ve gotten really really close with the Nicaraguan boys that come by the farm to play soccer and basketball over our time here. And this week I got to spend a lot of time with them and show them Jesus’ love:) We’ve been playing lots of soccer and basketball and they like when I call my friends or family from home to see them haha, it’s sweet.

We went volcano boarding which was a lot of fun as well!

While prayer walking, one of the houses we went to was a lady whose house we were at a couple of weeks ago and she was healed from her asthma during the house visit! She was lying in bed, sick, tired, and really unable to move and by the end, she was up and moving with the joy of the Lord as we worshipped with her. During our next visit, she shared her whole testimony where she told us how she has eight kids and two of them passed away, her parents died at a young age, she was in an abusive relationship with a 29 yr old as a 14 yr old girl, her daughter was raped at seven yrs old by a family member, and she does not celebrate Mother’s Day or Christmas. But her faith in the Lord was so inspiring and her encouragement to continue sharing the gospel was amazing. And how she implemented praising the Lord everyday and all she wanted was for her kids to know God’s love. She’s an incredible woman of God and truly an inspiration to us, her kids, and her neighbors:)

On another prayer walk, we met this man who was visibly distressed about his alcohol addiction and his own problems, knowing that drinking didn’t help him but just wanted the relief. We got the opportunity to share the gospel with him and he accepted Christ into His heart at that visit! We got to lead him in prayer with that, and tell him about Jesus’ love and how that is true freedom and relief. He was excited to hear about the gospel and have a change in His life!

We went to the kids section in the hospital and really tested my Spanish skills haha. We also had our last microchurch this week and it was sad to say bye to our kids:( We also had dump ministry, went prayer walking, and made pico de gallo for the last time in the kitchen:( Lots of “lasts” and goodbyes this weekend, we wrote lots of cards for the staff on the farm and I wrote some for the Nicaraguan boys. We got to say bye to mostly all the people we wanted to, there were lots of tears on both ends. I 100% am leaving half my heart in the country of Nicaragua. I really really hope to be back someday

The next week is debrief, so we stay somewhere else in Nicaragua with only our squad and we debrief our team on the farm, spend time with the Lord and prepare our hearts and minds for our next stop in Southeast Asia!

5 responses to “Week 14- last ministry week in Nicaragua!”

  1. Love you, sweetest girl! I’ll be thinking of your safety over the coming days. Merry Christmas!

  2. Wow! Just love reading these! What an amazing time! Love ya!! A little different from Gracies exams/finals!

  3. Oh you beautiful Disciple, you’ve touched so many lives while in Nicaragua.
    Those memories will remain throughout the lives of. those children and adults. Love & Hugs!

  4. Wonderful experience serving the Lord in Nic, Payton. We will be praying for you guys as you head to SE Asia. God’s peace and anointing be with you all!!


  5. Payton, WOW! It is exciting to hear how God is at work displaying His power over souls and also demonstrating it with physical healing as well, Glad you developed a special connection with the boys on the farm and will hold cherished memories in your heart from your time with them. I’m sure they will do the same. Will miss hearing from you while is Southeast Asia, and praying for you. I hope you have a fun Christmas! Love and hugs, Mrs. S