Blog - Payton Winingham

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This week we did a marketplace scenario when the leaders and staff all dressed up and set up tables of food (with leftovers from the week), and acted as if we were in India. We were split into our teams, given a certain amount of money, and had to use the currency of the country. We wore our backpacks on our front to avoid getting stolen from and the goal was to get dinner for the five of us. My team ended up getting chicken tenders, fried rice, and fries. People were also evangelizing to the leaders/staff who were role playing beggars, drug dealers, police, etc. Debriefing later was interesting because we talked about where is the line between sharing the Gospel and overstepping boundaries or whatever else, which is something I had a lot of questions about. We talked about how there are always opportunities to share His Word and we can seek that out with the Holy Spirit leading us. We also talked about how the heart of it all is love and sometimes the best way to tell people about Jesus is simply through loving them as He would!

We did another scenario where we acted as if we were in Nepal staying at a host family’s place, so we had to pack our day things and sleeping stuff all up to leave. We then had to take all of that and squish into two vans, it was tight haha. We then were given dried sardines to eat (and it is very rude to refuse food from your host, so yummm then) and we slept in the training center which is harder ground than the dirt outside haha.

We have been playing lots of games and spending time with our squad. We have played basketball, soccer, spikeball, and LOTS of card games.

We got to receive our roles on our teams! The roles are storytelling (blogging and social media), beauty for ashes (a women’s program), worship (organizing and leading), hospitality (organizing ways to celebrate and connecting with hosts), logistics (travel plans), and treasurer (money). I got chosen for hospitality which I’m so excited about! One of my favorite verses has always been Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers for by doing so you may show hospitality to angels without knowing.” One thing about the Winingham house is that we always have people over and everyone is welcome to be part of our family, and I’m excited carry that over to World Race! As hospitality, we are in charge of planning celebrations for birthdays and holidays, being point for hosts in other countries for good or bad feedback, and finding ways to lift squad spirits in hard times.

Another cool thing we did was “Prayer Watch” which was 12 hours of prayer from 8pm-8am. Our squad signed up for different time slots, but there were always at least three people awake together in prayer or worship or simply spending time in the Bible. One guy in my group chose to stay up all night haha, I ended up being there from 10pm-4am, and then slept until our next thing at 8am. I had never done anything like that before and it was so unique and beautiful. There are so many things to talk to God about and some times we forget that, so it was good to just sit down and be still. We also played guitar and sang worship songs a couple of times throughout the night:)

this was the first half of week 2! I’ll post again later for the second half!

11 responses to “Week 2- (pt. 1) Training Camp!”

  1. Hi Peyton,
    So great hearing all you are doing and how things are going! Very interesting to hear about it!
    Thank you for sharing, and I look forward to hearing more!
    God bless,

  2. What a wonderful way to get you acclimated to your upcoming journey. We love hearing how God is showing up in all the small things every day. You will be great at hospitality, a natural fit. Thank you for sharing so much; we just love your updates and are praying for you all the time.

  3. I am so impressed with the training, Payton, learning customs, traditions and the culture of the different countries.
    Shocked to see you ate a dried sardine, no picky eaters there 🙂 Love the Prayer Watch, I’m sure God was smiling throughout the night! God Bless you and your fellow teammates. xoxox

  4. This is incredible training, Payton. Praying you will see the sweetness of God’s equipping for that to which He’s called you. Blessings on you, sweet girl! This is going to be a grand adventure.

  5. Love hearing about everything you’re learning and experiencing – and how perfect are you for Hospitality! Thank you for teaching us through your journey and reminding us about the beauty of the truly important things in life. Prayers for you and your team, it’s so nice to see your beautiful smile! Much love!

  6. Hi Payton! Thanks for taking time to share with us. It always encourages my heart to hear from you and how God is using all things from sardines and sleeping on very hard surfaces, giving you opportunities to utilize your gifts of hospitality, and having time to practice being still for hours in prayer before Him to draw you closer to HImself. Always fun to hear from you! Sending you love and hugs. 🙂 Mrs. S

  7. What an amazing experience for you, Payton. I really appreciate the training they’re giving you guys. It will serve you well when you get in the field. Keep a soft heart for Jesus, your team and the people you will be serving. May the Holy Spirit move through you in a powerful way!!

  8. Thank you for taking all of us on your journey! Thankful that your team is bonding and learning together…and what a perfect fit for the Hospitality team! 🩷
    Sending you big hugs and lots of prayers!

  9. Payton LeHong!!!! This all sounds amazing!! Even the sardines;)
    Even though we get to chat and catch up, I love this blog because you are sharing even more details! I giggled as I read about the Winingham house because we have two “Bonus” family members staying here this week! LOL! I love you and pray for you ALL the time – you are a bright light, sweet girl-
    Love you!!!!

  10. Love your updates! God us clearly moving in you personally and in the whole group/ministry….what a gift to see Him in action. Continued prayers for you and your team. 😊

  11. Payton,
    I am so proud of you going on this journey and doing God’s work! I’ve throughly enjoyed reading your posts and knowing all the exciting experiences that you are having. What a brave young woman you are. Thanks for all the updates. Keep safe and continue to have fun- and learn 😉
    Warm regards-

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