Blog - Payton Winingham

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This week was domestic ministry! This meant we did ministry in the states, each squad went somewhere different. My squad (L-squad) had an hour and a half drive to SharpTop Cove Young Life camp, M-squad had an 8 hour drive to Mississippi to serve with the Mennonites, and K-Squad had a two hour drive to North Carolina.

My squad did lots of maintenance work which was mostly landscaping and cleaning. Me and a couple people took down cobwebs across the whole campus and cleaned all the lamp posts. Other people mowed, trimmed grass, pulled weeds, heavy lifted, etc. Later in the week, it was down pouring rain because there was a hurricane, so we did hurricane prep on the campus and indoor work including deep cleaning the kitchen, housecleaning, and later did cleanup from the hurricane.

On our free time, people swam in the lake and pool, we played LOTS of mofia, had worship nights, and just hung out. It was a super fun week and so good to meet the SharpTop staff too. One of the people I got the chance to talk with was Jake and he told me and Aubrey about his journey with autism and his testimony of how God has moved through his disability. It was a great conversation and he later told Aubrey and I how much it meant to him that we simply sat with him to listen and were invested in how his story makes a difference:)

Update on me real quick: I have a cold and a double ear infection, so fun… but I conquered my fear of spiders and falling off ladders this week (don’t worry, I didn’t fall off). This is because I had to kill so many spiders and take down so many cobwebs, for example, I broke a cobweb and too many baby spiders came crawling out of it. BUT I was also on a ten foot ladder when this happened, so jumping off was not an option. I instead wacked at it with a brush and said “DIE DIE DIE” until my heart stopped racing, a great plan really. Also my pillow molded, so no wonder I’m sick haha.

Good news though!  This week we got real showers and beds, so that was a nice luxury. Back to our tents and sleeping bags and my moldy pillow for week 5 though haha. That’s all for nowwwww.

Oh! And if you are interested at all in supporting financially, quite a few of my squad mates are still fundraising, and three of them have not gotten to 50% fundraised yet. And you must be at 50% fundraised by this upcoming Sunday (Oct 6) to launch to Nicaragua. I would so appreciate you praying about it and seeing if God is moving your heart to donate! Please reach out to me if you have any questions:) thank you!

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